This season can bring a wide range and mixture of feelings. If we're quite lucky we experience the true joy and celebration of the season to our depth. But many of us look forward all year to this happy time only to miss most of it in busy-ness. Or we go through the motions less than enthusiastically, wondering 'what's the point?' Perhaps some part of us senses we're not actually getting the unnameable something we really want but presumes that's what it means to be an adult. "Christmas is for the kids after all," we say.
What if you could slow down...
Hope you're soaking up the last rays of summer's bright light!
3 Quick Summer BodySoul Snacks...
1. Surgery Update. As I mentioned in my last message to you on July 4th, I had surgery for a common but often overlooked condition. In my video update (above) I give you the scoop on that condition (and how to make sure you or your loved one doesn't suffer unnecessarily) along with a quick update about my healing process.
2. Bonus Session Special. After working with some wonderful clients who took advantage of my early summer 3-session special, I now have a little room left...
This is a recording of Rebecca's talk at Sacred Space in Tucson, Arizona on June 17, 2018.
Does this sound familiar?
You have a dream and you set a goal to make it reality. Maybe it's to lose 50 pounds, improve your relationship, build your savings account up to $5,000, or to focus on your spiritual growth (or anything else you desire). But every time you make progress a negative voice pipes up in the back of your mind casting doubt on your ability to succeed.
So you slip up and watch your heartfelt goal float away.
It's so frustrating.
And, if you know my personal story, you know I've dedicated my career to making sure you know it doesn't have to be this way.
That's why I...
Taking a course in Eastern Religions is risky for me, being a raised protestant and all, but I am on such a roll as an eager and successful student at Golden West College that I’m feeling brave. Ideas of blasphemy and sacrilege try to smother the long denied worldly curiosity of this Presbyterian preacher’s daughter causing me to waver in my decision to register for Nut-ism 101. However I make the leap and attend the first class excited, skeptical, and terrified.
An air of uncertainty shadows me as I find a seat in this otherwise typical college classroom. The instructor’s...
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