This magnet attracts the ways in which the women express their epistemology - how they know what they know. Intuitions, emotions, and rational and non-rational ways of knowing are all included. I hold the five definitions of women’s ways of knowing (Belenky et al., 1986) in mind as I work with the data, and I remain open to new, more transpersonal perspectives on knowing. As I sense into the ways women discern what is best for them, I find that as they grow in their confidence of their ability to know, they portray greater degrees of self-trust. The images that come to...
This magnet attracts material that feels powerful and expresses power. Power is the ability and/or authority to take action toward what is desired. As I hold this magnet I sense into whether or not the power expressed feels like domination (power over; its source is control) or dominion (power with; its source is love). I use the terms “dominion,” “self-care,” and “power with” interchangeably to refer to a woman’s genuine attempt to take good care of herself, consciously or unconsciously, by intrinsically knowing what is most needed...
The importance of this magnet emerged strongly from my experience at the retreat. It began with the name “individuality,” as I saw the need for individuality as central to the process of healing the relationship with body. Included in the notion of individuality for women was a reverence for diversity. As I worked with the data, the material that attracted to this lens was somewhat varied: individuality, the seduction of following trends, the tensions of growth, and examples of resolution of growth experiences. This led me to see the core of this magnet as the process...
This magnet attracted material about how the women interpreted their issues with weight by putting it in a larger context. It answers the question, “How did they make sense of their struggles?” Phrases I held in connection with this magnet are “purpose changes over time,” “myth making,” “belief,” “making sense,” “interpretation,” “puts life in context,” “storying,” and “we’re making it all up anyway so it might as well be useful.” Images associated with the magnet are...
Beauty - Life Expressing Itself
Beauty, as it is used in this magnet, catalyzes the qualitative experience of feeling enriched or bringing pleasure to one’s senses, mind, and/or spirit. The story of this magnet is revealed in the findings below. It was added after the other magnets were complete and the picture of the whole emerged. The process of growth is the process of creation. Stepping back away from the whole, I hold the stories with my awareness of their beauty - the qualitative experience of life expressing itself. As I reflected on our discussions over the course...
A summary of the six magnet findings was presented to a five-member panel with similar demographics and qualifications as the original five co-researchers, except for the requirement of large body size. The presentation included quotes and videotape from the retreat and follow up meeting to elucidate the findings. Panel members assessed within themselves for sympathetic resonance (Anderson 1998b, 2000) or recognition of an alignment within themselves with the material presented. They reported their process in a written one-page response. Writing was followed by a group discussion of their...
Looking back at the many layers of my inquiry into women’s psycho-spiritual process of healing obesity prior to and during this research project, I see now that my understanding was most profoundly impacted by the contributions of the co-researchers at the retreat. The honesty, intensity, and openness with which we collaborated to make sense of and teach what we knew about this process changed me completely. Reflecting on the content statements we generated at the retreat, I remember the women’s voices behind each statement - their vocal tones, their facial...
Taking a course in Eastern Religions is risky for me, being a raised protestant and all, but I am on such a roll as an eager and successful student at Golden West College that I’m feeling brave. Ideas of blasphemy and sacrilege try to smother the long denied worldly curiosity of this Presbyterian preacher’s daughter causing me to waver in my decision to register for Nut-ism 101. However I make the leap and attend the first class excited, skeptical, and terrified.
An air of uncertainty shadows me as I find a seat in this otherwise typical college classroom. The instructor’s...
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